Friday, April 26, 2013

Lovely L's

This was a fun one. Here are my L's in alphabetical order.

1. Lark - Josh Ritter. I know you all just don't get my love for this Idaho native. He was named by Paste magazine as one of the top 100 songwriters of all times so I am not alone here. This song has gotten me through some hard times. "I am assured that peace will come to me.  A peace that surpasses my understanding and my need." Beeeeautiful.

2. Last Train from Poor Valley - Norman Blake. I grew up listening to my father perform this song. So it is a part of my soul. I like his version better, but it isn't on youtube. He used to change the name to Misty instead of Becky..."And the soft, new snows of December lightly fall my cabin round. I saw the last train from Poor Valley takin' my brown haired, Misty, Richmond bound."

3. Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love and To Be Loved) - Bright Eyes. A fantastic protest song. "We all fit into your slogan on the fast food marquis. Red blood, white skin, and the blues. I've got the blues. I've got the blues! That's me!" Have I mentioned how much I love Conor Oberst? "To love and to be loved. Let's just hope that it's enough."

4. Live and Die - The Avett Brothers. Americana at its best. Making banjos cool. And rockin' the cello. Come on.

5. Living Proof - Cat Power. This is Chan Marshall at her soulful best. "You're supposed to have the answer. You're supposed to have living proof." Weird video...she is one cool weird lady.

6. Losin' Yo Head - Monsters of Folk
Probably the most My Morning Jacket sounding song on this masterpiece collaborative album by Jim James, Conor Oberst and Mike Mogis (Bright Eyes), and M. Ward. They are my supergroup.

7. Love Cats - the Cure. This is one of those happy Cure songs that are so easy to love.

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